Sprecher: Gordon Anderson Übersetzung: Uwe Haug — Altes neu entdeckt! Die 1990er Jahre waren die Anfänge der Aufzeichnung von Vorträgen in den Gemeinden auf...
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Use your full imagination, and although it might sound like a fairy tale, it is real. It is a fantastic glimpse into the near future. People do supernatural...
A lot of news from TV, Internet and the newspapers (demo, conspiracy, Corona, refugees, racism etc.) are currently moving people’s mind. What does the Bible tell...
John Davis of Orion Publishing (orion-publishing.org) illustrates at the camp fire what the book says about the tongue. – The book about the tongue? – Click in and come...
Creation, as depicted in the first verses of the Bible, was sealed with a day of rest. This day of rest is God’s special arrangement for us humans. We can find...
Headlines of today: Wars, catastrophes, famines and suffering. Does this reflect a loving God? This presentation addresses the above question and gives answers. It is...
Richard Elofer was born in Casablanca, Morocco, from a Jewish family. He was raised in the Jewish faith and was proud of his heritage. His family immigrated to France...
Tim Risenberger MD is a emergency medicine specialist in the area of Seattle and is particularly involved in preventive medicine. He completed his studies at Loma Linda...
Chad und Fadia halten Seminare über Gesundheit, Bibel, Suchtbefreiung und das Gehirn. Mit ihren Seminaren waren sie bereits in Europa und ganz Nordamerika tätig. Sie...
Ein Leben im Dienst für Gott steckt voller Herausforderungen, die manchmal nicht leicht sind. Luke und Chanteé berichten von ihren Erfahrungen im Missionsdienst und wie...